Out on a scout...

...for the Foot Locker shoot

+…today entailed a quick trip to scout out the best locations for our shoot happening next week. The secret to a seamless & productive day is preparation!    
+…in between a cup of Earl grey and a good catch up with my friend & photographer, we found all the areas to make-for on the day. With a quick visit to the studio we were set.       

+…then its time to run back to the office to tick through the list of missions, that seem to arise from these trips.

Emily Grice

Foot Locker POS tactics...

...clean lifestyle, inspirational         in-store 2010

Selling shoes may be the core of the business, but Foot Locker extended their key offering to include sports & street-wear. Foot Locker can offer function and fashion.

Bringing consumers into the stores, both existing and new, they have been able to provide a sounds base for incremental sales & therefore enhanced profitability. As successes have been seen in over the past few years, the in-store environment has been set for investment. 

The POS we designed here was intended to provide a commonality between the brand and the consumer without detracting from the core SKU's - shoes. Instead we found a way of providing serving suggestions and inspiration, empathizing with the consumer; essentially 5 - 12 and 18 - 25 years olds and lets not forget, their parents!

As I write we head into a new shoot for Autumn / Winter collections - developing POS to continue the success of previous seasons!

Emily Grice
Lifestyle POS

In-Store Offerings...

...are they tempting in the boys?

...well surely, who can say no, to a buy one get one 50% off?

Well as it happens, a surprising amount of consumers actually. In an ever more competitive market, these sorts of classic offers are ten a penny, and don't create the spending urges we as marketers’ may hope to inspire.

Featured here is the range of POS created for Tip Top Tailors menswear, as part of a national in-store campaign to create lift, in a quieter period. Consumers reacted positively to the campaign although supporting, & more enticing offers are always needed as part of a core campaign. Hit the consumer from every angle:
- get them in store
- get them on-line
- and get them emotionally in order to close the deal - yes, make them trust you...then, make them fall madly in love with you...then, sell them $200 worth of DKNY shirts!

Emily Grice
Tempting offers...are they tempting enough?

Ugly Ties, or Retro Funky Ties?

Even the ugliest ties in the world...

...can be transformed into a desirable thing. Yes, even items that, fresh out of the box smelling of fresh silk, yet hanging with a mild flavour of bad taste, can be re-worked into something covetable!   
The ties that on first inspection felt a challenge, became I think, something kooky and edgy instead. By styling a product in a certain way, you are able to transform it into a new creature, with a focus on your relevant market.   
Here I show two versions of possibilities. Shown to the right the ties hang on studio equipment and below, shown in the brochure, the ties hang from my antique wooden hangers.
Emily Grice  
Ugly Ties.... 

Establishing a desire...for checked shirts!

Giving some checked shirts life...

How do you establish a desire for a product?

How do you create something that can be clearly judged and purchased simply with one look

Keeping it simple, and keeping it fresh, is how.

Here I decided to show the shirts shown on the peg, with cuffs rolled to emphasize the lining.

Im always trying to think of little ways to show the product that does not distract your eye but instead gives you more reasons to love it.

On the right I show one of the shots we took in the studio but after messing with the order a bit, we landed on the above, which was used in print and on-line.

The on model shot, is shown below, used on the back cover of the direct mail piece, that was distributed nationally to existing and new customers.

The range of shirts  sold out in the first 4 weeks.

Emily Grice
Off Model Styling

Fresh & Messy Stacks

Just let it go, & let it be scruffy...

For me the best off model work is about free, messy and relaxed arrangements. There is nothing more dull than a tidy, safe compostion that leaves nothing to the imagination.

So as much as I was permitted on these jobs, I wanted soft and 'messed with' stacks. But, to make it work, the right about of the product needs to be 'neat', but in its essentials, make it interesting.

Otherwise, who the heck will want to look at it, let alone buy it!

Emily Grice
Off model styling - stacks - 'Thread' publication 2011

Things that make me happy...

Looking at things like this...

The quickest and easiest way to make yourself happy in my view, is to surround yourself with your favourite sights and sounds.

So at the moment I have a fine selection of delicious furniture Id like to get my hands on, a postcard of beautiful things from my sister, and a few pictures from the good old days. Meanwhile I listen to the dulcet tones of Cary Elwes, in The Princess Bride, or Star Wars, 'A New Hope'.

If you recognise yourself in this shot Im sorry! But thats a good thing isnt it?

So we have my old pal Kate playing with Rosie in the garden in Andover - the softest cat there ever was, friend Ben being bad, lying on the most perfect golfing green in London. Or my sister Jennie, having failed to dive through a ring in the pool! Boobs are such a drag arent they Jennie?!

...and who can resist a gift card from Macys?

Happiness....is pretty things all around you.

Emily Grice
Things that make me happy - 2011