Working with kids....are they animals?

Secrets of success
So you have shots to deliver, you have a team to run and your models are all tiny tots, with not a clue as to what is going on! Whats the secret of managing to keep them smiling, avoiding any tantrums and keeping the parents in their seats & off the set?

Speed & smiles are the name of the game. Whack those darn kids into hair and make-up throw them into their gear before they have time to question you, wonder if they want to co-operate or if should in fact pee. I have found much of the happy tempo comes from a happy set of parents, and my first call is to get their buy in. My beautiful models arrive and I pounce, to enthrall them all with stories of how wonderful the final product will be and how many shots I will send them for their portfolios and what fun they are about to experience. Before they know it, the shoot is over and they are begging for more. I quote: "Put me in your pocket and take me home Emily!"

Actually Im not sure that speaks so much to my professional attractions so much as my ability to just be a bad influence and give them whatever they darn well want! Humm.

Kids are in my experience a dream. They make you giggle, and with me at least, their energy is boundless. Im sure once they walk away their parents get it in the neck all the way home. A tired child is not a pleasant thing.

Emily Grice  
Footlocker 2011

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